Opcije pristupačnosti Pristupačnost

Socialism on the Bench 2013

Socialism on the Bench. Cultural and Historical Interpretations of Yugoslav and Post-Yugoslav Societies
International Conference
Pula, December 5-7, 2013


The intention of CKPIS as the organizer of the conference is to bring together researchers who will discuss the topics that have been unavoidable for the articulation of contemporary history of the area that until the beginning of 1990s formed Yugoslav federation. Politics of modernization and the development of a modern industrial society, with its various aspects, cannot be separated from the almost half-centennial history of self-management socialism. With this broadly defined theme, based on cultural and historical research within the frame of the humanities, we would like to open a dialogue about different aspects of culture, history and politics of the Yugoslav federation and offer dynamic and comparative interpretations of the events, processes and phenomena that formed contemporary identities, both those of the Yugoslav republics under communist rule, and of the independent states in the post-socialist era.
During the conference, socialism will again as a subject be put "on the bench" and in the focus of attention. Depending of the researcher's interpretation of Yugoslav and post-Yugoslav societies, socialism can be put on various "benches". It could simply be an academic topic, on a school bench, student's desk or a lab bench; it could end in front of a court bench, or be sitting on the bench as a substitute player.
The goal of the conference is to strengthen the communication and collaboration between scholars interested in similar socialist and post-socialist topics, whether they work in Croatia, neighbour states, or further abroad, and whether they are originally from the South-Slavic area or just scholars following their academic interests. This approach is especially important considering the complexity of recent common history and events that are still awaiting their academic interpretation.


28/01/2013 - The call for papers has been published. Application deadline: April 1, 2013.
19/07/2013 - The list of participants is closed.If you haven't contacted us regarding accommodation by 15 July 2013, please reply to the e-mail as soon as possible.The conference program will be published by October.In the mean time we will contact the participants regarding the possibility of covering a part of accommodation and travel cost.
14/10/2013 - Organizing Committee has sent an e-mail to the participants with the list of presentations and other data, as well as the questionnaire. Please fill the questionnaire and return it as a Word document by e-mail until October 21 to the address ckpis[at]unipu.hr. The conference program will be published by the end of October.
02/11/2013 - The conference program has been published.
25/11/2013 - (Final) conference program and the Book of Abstracts have been published.

Conference program

Book of Abstracts

Juraj Dobrila University of Pula
Centre for Cultural and Historical Research of Socialism

Organizing Committee
Igor Duda, predsjednik / President
Igor Stanić, tajnik / Secretary
Lada Duraković
Boris Koroman
Andrea Matošević


Conference venue
Juraj Dobrila University of Pula
Department of Humanities
Ivana Matetića Ronjgova 1, Pula

Hotel Veli Jože, Bečka 9, Pula
View map

We thank for the support
Juraj Dobrila University of Pula
Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of the Republic of Croatia
City of Pula
Region of Istria

Extra program
19. Sa(n)jam knjige u Istri / 19th Book Fair(y) in Istria
Pulski festival knjiga i autora
Pula, 5-15. prosinca 2013.
Tema: "Socijalizam na klupi" (uključujući i program "CKPIS predstavlja")
Žarište: "Suvremena ruska književnost" i "Vojvodina - Regija u Regionu"

Published papers
Lada Duraković, Andrea Matošević, eds., Socijalizam na klupi. Jugoslavensko društvo očima nove postjugoslavenske humanistike, Srednja Europa, Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli, Sa(n)jam knjige u Istri, Zagreb and Pula, 2013. CeKaPISarnica
Časopis za suvremenu povijest, 46, 3, 2014
Historijski zbornik, 67, 2, 2014
Narodna umjetnost, 51, 2, 2014