Public transport of passengers, cargo and vehicles to the islands and the Peljesac peninsula is restricted.
It is prohibited to maintain all regular express lines in coastal liner shipping during the declaration of a coronavirus epidemic in the territory of the Republic of Croatia, except in the case of emergency interventions with the approval of the Civil Protection Staff of the Republic of Croatia.
Given the accelerated spread and increased risk of pre-coronavirus, a 30-day anti-epidemic measure of severely restricting street detention and other measuring points at which more people can move and detain, from the date of the decision.
The Civil Protection Headquarters of the Republic of Croatia, on 21 March 2020, adopts a Decision on the measure of strict restriction of detention on streets and other public places.
This Decision applies to streets, squares, waterfronts, parks and all other public areas where a large number of persons can move and detain.
The Civil Protection Staff and the Police Directorate shall ensure the implementation and supervision of the implementation of the measure referred to in this Decision.